I never really understood the importance of
the Bible or how some people can spend so much time reading it that they can
quote it. I mean, I read so many textbooks over and over again and wish to
recite sections as some people so freely do the Bible. So one day I decided to
see what the fuss is about and dusted my old black Book off that I got on the
day of my birth. So you can just imagine how old and outdated it is. As I sat
there paging through the thin brown-ish pages I felt so inspired... to go to sleep.
So, in my mind I shot a quick thought up to God and said: "I tried... But
I'll probably need a new one." I put my Book away and went to sleep.
Three days later I have completely
forgotten about even opening the Book, never mind 'praying' about it. I received
a phone call from a friend from church saying that she really wants to give me
something. That day she showed up at my place saying: "I really felt like
a had to give this to you. Specifically this one. I'm not sure why, but
here." And there she handed me a brand new Bible (NLT translation). Of
coarse I thought this was a bit strange as just a few days before I sort-of
prayed for one.
I went up to my room and was very curious
to see why He wanted me to have this specific one - 'cause there is no way that
this was just a coincidence. Needless to say I started reading and read for 6
hours straight (The only reason I stopped was because it was already 4 in the
morning and I had to go to class in 3 hours.)
Thus, I finally understood why
so many people like this Book so much. It's as if it just came alive to me. There
I found so many answers to questions about everyday life stuff: money, work,
conflict, fitting in, making the most out of life, love, friendships, family,
and also relationships. And it all made sense.
It was no longer a boring book about rules
on what to do and what not to do - but a book that serves as a guideline and
companion in all areas of life.
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