HIS Story Through My Life

Just like you, I am an ordinary person with a story. This blog is me telling my story. And because I am the prototype of Jesus, my story begins and ends with His story - a story of struggle, rejection, abandonment and suffering. But this story is also a fairy tale of love, hope, grace and joy. Fact: my relationship with God has been an absolute ADVENTURE to say the least. I have been documenting each extraordinary miracle and every radical revelation He has been revealing to me since day one. My name is Leigh-Ann and I am sharing His story through my life with you!


Wednesday, 10 December 2014




You have a HUNGER and THIRST for Him. 
Whether you want to admit it or not.

You were CREATED to be in a relationship with Him. 
And only He can FILL the deepest desires of your soul 
as HE is the ONLY one who knows what they are.

Listen to worship music. Get involved at church. Talk to others about Him. Ask others about Him. Discuss Him with others. Talk TO Him. Think about Him and how beautiful everything is that He created. Thank Him. Ask Him. Trust His good plans for you.

If you focus more on this than on how many mistakes you have made, 
you are set for an Adventurous Relationship with Him

It’s that simple. 


Thursday, 4 December 2014

RULES vs. RELATIONSHIP part 2: Why do I need the Bible, Church and Fellowship?


Now that we have the ‘relationship with God’ part sorted out, then what about the Bible, the church and fellowship? Will I go to hell if I don’t go to church/ read the Bible/ not have fellowship with others?

NO. Well, that’s what I believe. It makes sense. And here’s how:

[Hypothetically speaking]

You have always heard about this person (Let’s call him Godfry), but have never met him. You eventually meet him, but it’s a bit awkward as you initially don’t really know what to talk about. Then, you go for coffee and it’s very frustrating as you do not understand the way he speaks/ means what he says/ why he doesn’t answer when you ask him questions. This frustrates you severely and just as you are about to give up on building a relationship with Godfry, he passes you a book – his very own biography. He tells you that even though you don’t always understand the way he speaks to you, that you can find out a bit more about what he likes/dislikes, his characteristics, why and how he says the things he does, etc.

So you went in your own time and read a bit of it and then somehow you began to understand a bit more of why your coffee convo’s went the way they did.

At your next coffee the coffee went less awkward and frustrating because you understood Godfry a bit better – but still not fully.
So you go on Facebook and you stalk him a bit and see that you have mutual friends. You ‘happen’ to see one of your friends later and then you discuss Godfry a bit. This friend explains to you how they have experienced Godfry in similar situations that you have that have frustrated you. And then suddenly those situations make more sense.

Then, you get an invite from Godfry to a social event that he is hosting – every single week. At this event many of Godfry’s friends come together and meet and spend time with each other. Godfry is the guest of honor at this weekly event and one of his friends give a little speech about Godfry and his character.

SO… Obviously:

Godfry = God

Biography = Bible

Mutual friend = fellowshipping with another believer

Social event = church


The Bible, church and fellowship are not determinants for going to heaven… but, 
they are vital TOOLS that will assist you in your relationship with God. 

I can promise you that they will make your relationship with God and your whole experience as a Believer


You don’t have to struggle in getting to know Him better. 
He is patient and gentle with you. 
He desires a relationship with you desperately. 

So I want to challenge YOU to use these tools to get to know the most awesome person better. It’s an adventure
Regardless of your past, present and future. 
Do it. I know you want to.



Tuesday, 2 December 2014


Hey guys! I have had a very rough past three weeks with exams, etc. But I have been writing about things that have been happening and now I am back to share them with you!

Ultimately, there is only ONE THING that you need to hear:

If a parent has many rules and punishes their child if they make a mistake, the child will obey the parent out of fear. The parent is like a “master” and the child the “slave”. These children usually end up being rebellious and bad.

If a parent and child have a RELATIONSHIP wherein they talk to each other and care for each other, the child will obey the parent out of LOVE: because they want to make the parent happy. Not because they have to and fear punishment if they don’t.

There is no fear in love.

It is the same with God.

In the Old Testament, He was like the strict parent with RULES. But then Jesus came and took the punishment on your behalf.

Now, God is like the parent who cares about a RELATIONSHIP with you.

What do I mean by relationship?

Well, it’s very simple really. How do you initiate and build on relationships in your life?

·         You meet someone
·         You then spend time with them
·         You honestly communicate with them how feel and what you like/dislike
·          You do little things for them to show your love for them
·         You compliment them and build them up with kind and loving words
·         You thank them for what they do out of love for you when you least deserved it
·         How else do you build on your relationships with people you care about?

Well, building a relationship with God is pretty much the same… He created the concept of ‘relationship’ after all…

Next post we will discuss whether one can get into Heaven without the Bible, Fellowship or the Church. I bet you have thought about that one before…
